Check out a new goodie I received recently in the mail!
Ever since I came back from the Philippines, I've been treating my acne spots with a dab of tea tree oil from a little bottle I picked up to try. I've always heard great things about tea tree oil, such as the many uses it has, it's antibacterial, and it's natural! I've been using tea tree oil when I have trouble spots for about a month. Then I received a huge 4 oz. bottle from Apothecary Extracts and have only tried it once, and so far, it hasn't broken me out or caused any irritation.
From smell alone, it was much stronger and had a slightly different tea tree oil scent from the one I purchased from the Philippines. I could tell it was definitely more concentrated. I still have yet to try the tea tree oil in its many other potential uses, but I cannot wait to do so with my new bottle from Apothecary Extracts. Check them out in the following links:
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